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  • Portugal

call for Research Studentships for 1 MSc students, Scientific Area: Manufacturing and Industrial Management

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13 Mar 2025

Job Information

Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica
Research Field
Engineering » Mechanical engineering
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Master Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Not Applicable
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Reference: BI 11.CTMGI.2025.IDMEC 

The Institute of Mechanical Engineering – IDMEC is opening a call for Research Studentships for 1 MSc students


Applications are open for one Research Studentships for MSc students, within the framework of project/R&D institution LAETA, LAETA-UIDB/50022/2020 financed by national funds (OE) through FCT.IP, under the following conditions:

Scientific Area: Manufacturing and Industrial Management

Admission Requirements:

- Research Studentships (for Master students):

  1. be enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering MSc program, Production;
  2. not to exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of two years in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions.
  3. hold a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering with a classification equal or greater than 16 values (over 20).
  4. 1) have skills and experience in the utilization of machine tools and universal testing machines; 2) have experience in the utilization of industrial metrology equipment, 3) have experience in performing mechanical characterization and formability tests; 4) have experience in the utilization of data acquisition systems; 5) have knowledge and experience in metal forming processes, 6) have knowledge and experience in the use of numerical simulation programs for plastic deformation based manufacturing processes and 7) have knowledge and experience in metal forming processes and equipment for sheets, tubes and profiles. 


Academic degrees obtained in foreign countries shall be registered by a Portuguese institution, according to the Decree-Law nr. 66/2018, of August, 16th, and the Ordinance nr. 33/2019, of January, 25th. It is mandatory to present the certificate to sign the contract. More information is available on: 

Workplan and the objectives to achieve: The work to be carried out in the field of minimalist window frames, consists of the following tasks and objectives:

Task 1 – Formability characterization of materials

Task 2 - Design, project and utilization of metal forming tools

Legislation and Regulations: Statute of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law nr. 40/2004, of August 18, as worded by Decree-Law nr. 123/2019, of August 28; FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, available on


Workplace: The work will  developed at IDMEC - Institute of Mechanical Engineering, being both the Host and Contracting Entity, and under the scientific supervision of Doctor João Pedro Grosa Magrinho.

Duration: The research fellowship(s) will have the duration of 12 months. It’s expected to begin in April, 2025, and may be eventually renewed up to the maximum stated by the law or the end of the project.

Monthly maintenance allowance: According to the values for Research Fellowships awarded by FCT in Portugal (,the amount of the monthly maintenance allowance is € 1.040,98, being the payment method by Wire Transfer.

Selection methods: The selection methods will be the following: A) Adequacy and merit of the Curriculum vitae with respect to the thematic area of the application (95%); B) Motivation for the proposed work (5%). If necessary, the Jury may conduct interviews with the candidates (in-person interview) with a weighting of 45%. In such case, A) will have a weighting of 50% and B) 5%

Composition of the selection Jury

President: Prof. Maria Beatriz Cipriano de Jesus Silva

Member: Dr. João Pedro Grosa Magrinho

Member: Prof. Carlos Manuel Alves da Silva

Member (substitute): Prof. João Pedro da Fonseca Matos Pragana


Announcement/ notification of the results: The final evaluation results will communicated to all applicants by email.

After be notified, candidates have 10 working days to submit a formal rebuttal, by email.

Application deadline and formalization: The call is open in the period between March 14 and March 27 until 18:00, 2025.

Research Studentships

It is mandatory to formalize applications with the submission of the following documents: Curriculum Vitae; academic degree certificate, where applicable; proof of enrollment at an academic degree course; motivation letter; declaration on honour that the applicant does not exceed with this contract an accumulated period of two years in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions

Applications must be submitted to the email:

The contract draft and final report draft are available on

Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Mechanical engineering
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent

Additional Information

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
IDMEC- Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica
Postal Code
IDMEC, Av Rovisco Pais, 1


Av Rovisco Pais, 1
Postal Code

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